Monday, March 17, 2008

Old-Couple Speak

A friend of mine told me about a couple recently on the “Today Show” that has been married for 83 years. Is that even conceivable?! Both of the pair are in their low 100s and the wife did all of the talking, even though they were in good health, considering the circumstances. It got me to thinking about how after only going-on-thirty years, Jack and I are already communicating in a shorthand method that eventually will be shorter than the Morse Code. Some actual interchanges:

Jack: “Where is my?”

Me: “Next to your chair.”

Jack: “Yep, there it is.”

We turn on the television.

Jack: “My gosh, is that?”

Me: “No.”

Jack: “Are you sure?”

Me: “Yep, but looks like her.”

Jack: “I could have sworn.”

Me: “But she was in that other movie and she’s married to that guy.”

Jack: “You’re right!”

As I walk through the room:

Jack: “Are you?”

Me: “Depends on the weather.”

Jack: “Okay.”



At 10:01 AM , Blogger Jerry said...

I think you are Jack are talking in some kind of code or something...Which is against the law according to The Homeland Securities Act.

Encrypted conversations can be taxed by the IRS and you can be tried faster than a felony on film.

If you promise not to be subversive anymore, they will probably let you off with a small fine and community service washing police cars.

Nobody would speak in code like that unless they had something to hide.

At 2:00 PM , Blogger Jerry said...

I really envy you if you do have something to hide, because I don't, because I forgot all the stuff that I should have hidden--whatever it was.

I don't even know if it was interesting, but judging from my current situation I would guess that I don't have anything to hide.

So, as you get older you don't tend to hide anything because nobody is interested anyway. There is no hidden meaning in this--that's my point.


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