2008--Ain't that Great

It’s 2008 and sometimes I feel about the same age. I think it’s because, as I tell my friends, I look a little more like Nick Nolte’s mug shot every morning when I wake up. The songs that defined my generation in the sixties and seventies are now showing up as boxed-set oldies and Easy Rider’s Dennis Hopper is selling investments or something like that on commercials. Would our hip generation ever have foreseen such a thing thirty something years ago? And speaking of thirty-something, wasn’t there a TV show by the same name about a bunch of young, married whippersnappers? This is the kind of useless trivia bouncing around in what’s left of my withering brain unit. Sure, I can remember the words to the song “A Good Breakfast Starts My Day,” that I learned in the second grade, but I can’t remember a very important point I was going to make a second ago. I have more and more conversations that include someone asking me, “Now what were you saying?” I focus for a minute and have to admit, “I’ve got nothin.’”
I have read that depression and stress affects short-term memory more than almost any other factor, and I’ve got plenty of both, especially in the first two months of the year—what drear. Maybe, like the words in the Steely Dan song, “I’m just growing old,” but I can’t remember the last time I was really excited about anything. (Maybe I just forgot.) Upset, yes. Angry, yes. Frustrated and anxious, yes. Morose, yes. Excited, no. Hey, at least I’ve still got feelings. I will have to say that I'm really looking forward to seeing which politician will be selected to send us down the drain. NOT! Wait a minute. "Down the drain" now where did I hear that phrase? It sounds vaguely familiar.
Anyway, Happy Damn New Year!
I have read that depression and stress affects short-term memory more than almost any other factor, and I’ve got plenty of both, especially in the first two months of the year—what drear. Maybe, like the words in the Steely Dan song, “I’m just growing old,” but I can’t remember the last time I was really excited about anything. (Maybe I just forgot.) Upset, yes. Angry, yes. Frustrated and anxious, yes. Morose, yes. Excited, no. Hey, at least I’ve still got feelings. I will have to say that I'm really looking forward to seeing which politician will be selected to send us down the drain. NOT! Wait a minute. "Down the drain" now where did I hear that phrase? It sounds vaguely familiar.
Anyway, Happy Damn New Year!
It would probably be more appropriate to bite back with something clever here, but damn that picture! It gave me such a good laugh that I guess the New Year may not be so bad after all!I guess the camera and mirror really do not lie after all! That damn photo really does crack me up!
Hey, my friend, I'm really not exaggerating, except that since I shampoo every day, my hair may be a bit fluffier. :)
A bit fluffier? I am trying to get a "visual" of that. Copy and paste this : http://www.saboldesigns.net/i//noltemug.jpg
Let me know if it is actually more like this...
Very funny, but that rendition is a little more Diana Rossey--not that there's anything wrong with that.
It's hard to believe that he was once on the cover of Time magazine featured as America's sexiest man.
I expect that humor is about the only way to confront the indignities of aging--the dehumanizing, humiliating, spirit-robbing side effects of our carnal decay. Decomposing a bit at a time...each moment...each second...catabolism...catabolism..
rotting, putrefying...a little at a time.
Then, there is the subject of how and where you die. Live a glamorous life then die in Des Moines like Cary Grant. Or die in Macon, Georgia, or Augusta; not Paris or London or St. Tropez or Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat where Somerset Maugham and David Niven died.
Or you die crumbled and crumpling in a bed--gasping the death rattle--worn out and rotting beneath the sun?
I don't think any of it matters. Outside of a few politicians who will me documented into posterity, the rest of us are quite the joke...The whole lives of quiet desperation thing...
Carbon and stardust...recycled. In a few billion years, the whole thing will implode and then we can start all over. And, if eternity be a true concept, we will meet each other some sunny day in a few trillion-billion years--perhaps having this same conversation.
Yep, life and death is a laugh riot. I can't even remember what I started out to say before I got sidetracked...
I can not even begin to tell you how much I envy the people who think that life is le grande comedie. I think I lost my sense of humor about it after age 45.
As Shakespeare said,
"Heigh ho, sing heigh ho,
Unto the green holly, most friendships are feigning, most loving mere folly.
Then heigh ho, the holly, then heigh ho, the holly.
This life is most jolly!"
Once again you've proven beyond a dark shadow of a doubt, that compared to you, I'm Mary Poppins.
Feasting our eyes on a once was America's sexiest man, hitting the skids,is practically one of the most vile things to see. It reminds us of who we all really are. It is like looking at a slide ruler of life where hopefully, we fit somewhere in the middle.
Wow, Gail,
Until you mentioned his name I thought that was a photo of a woman ~to usethe term loosely.Ugh!
And there is absolutely nothing in this blue-eyed world 'it' could posslibly have in common with you.
And, Jerry, there are worse places to die than Macon, Georgia...just after answering the age-old Macon question "What church do you belong to?"
You've got that right Aunt F. and I've warned Jerry that he'd better quit dissin' his own roots. Otherwise we might just fly his ashes in the far distant by and by to a far distant place called "Yankee Land.":) Worse yet, he might get transferred there in the here and now.
Are you listenin' Jerry? I'm sure you have an understated reply prepared.
Gail, I included that little 'aside' about Macon because the first time Jerry mentioned it I thought it was hilarious. No truer words were ever spoken. I live fewer that fify miles from Macon, and every time I go there I am asked that question too!
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