Dream Land
I had a dream that my sister told me she was pregnant. Then I said, "That's strange because last night I dreamt that you told me that." Then she said, "No you did not! You're just saying that so that I'll think you dream the future." I said, "No, I really did dream it."
When I woke up, I realized I had just had a dream about arguing that I had a dream about what I was actually dreaming.
I'm confused.
Last night I dreamed a dreary dream,
From beyond the Isle of Skye,
I saw a dead man win a fight,
And I think that man was I.
James Douglas, 2nd Earl of Douglas
I think you dreamed this whole thing up.
Life is but a dream.
WOW! That confused me too.
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And a good visual at that!
I stumbled across your blog from Perry's and read far more than I planned. Damn, you can *write*!
Aside from a mild case of the blues, you are clearly smart, literate, possessed of a well-developed sense of humour and you must appear strikingly competent (judging by your experiences in the Holiday Fun post).
So if with all those talents you can't find a rewarding job or make a career, girl, you've got to fire this Bush guy.
Meanwhile, you *have* to write a book. Based on what I've read tonight, I'd say you could excel at fiction or satire. Suggested title: The Great American Dreamland.
Keep writing!
Yuh see, even people in Ireland think you should write a book. I bet people in Woodstock would say the same thing--the ones that can read--if they read your blog.
I bet you could get a good job if you wrote a book; you could send it instead of a resume. That is, if you don't include too much anti-management humor.
If there were enough people reading your blog, we could take up a collection to get some money to pay you to write your book. Then, we could split the profits from the book and Oprah appearances and such.
If there were no profits, we could come over to your house and take your stuff--the stuff you haven't pawned yet. But before you start the book, you need to spend a year living in poverty in Greenwich Village brooding and being Bohemian in order to make contact with your muse.
This is really beginning to sound like fun.
Colm, While recovering from some strange virus that included a 102 fever, I got this message and it made me feel so good that I instantly started feeling better. Thanks for your encouragement!
Jerry, Do you think years of living in poverty and brooding in the GA woods meets the criterion? Then I could mark the Greenwich Village requirement off of my list.
Yes Jerry, *even* people in Ireland. I hope you are simply amazed by the geographical remoteness of my response, otherwise Yeats would turn in his grave if he knew you used the title of one of his poems for your blog ;)
Gail, muses are foulweather friends, too unreliable for real authors. You clearly have a bunch of real ideas and themes and no fear of the keyboard; just stop blogging (it will just steal the inspiration while not giving you the time that a book needs), go with the flow, guide what emerges, review and revise it yourself, and avoid the temptation to share any of it prematurely, except with your publisher.
Being half Irish and half English, I can make comments about the mother country.
It is not where you live, but where you originated that defines you. We all originated from the same mother.
?? Surely, you're not speaking of Lucy ??
"The 3.18-million-year-old-fossil 'Lucy' was found in Ethiopia in 1974, but the location of her remains has brought police no closer to finding her killer."--Jon Stewart
The blogging may become the book. My rationale for pressuring her into the blogging scene was to collect material that would become part of her book.
I think "Down the Drain" might be the title for her book, then she can market the book through the website.
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