Emergency Broadcast This!
Have you ever noticed that those damn “required” emergency alert broadcasts always interrupt the television program right in the middle of Leno’s monologue, just as the mystery is solved, right when they announce the murderer’s sentence, or just as Judge Judy is about to humiliate someone? What good is this emergency broadcast thing? In the event of a real national emergency what could the instructions possibly be other than stay tuned for further instructions? Are “they” keeping this whole sham going just so they can print the words “Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye” across the screen when the time comes? That makes me even more ticked off, because if I’m about to be blown to kingdom come, I’d just as soon be laughing at a punch line.
Gail, you are the Erma Bombeck of blogging! You really must collect all these gems into a book and then you will surely be the toast of Europe, if you can ever get over that passport photo hump. I thoroughly enjoy your sense of humor and your way with words. Great stuff!
Perry, sometimes somebody says something positive at just the time when you really need it. You just did! Thanks very much.
Thanks Perry. I've been trying to get Gail to write a book for the last 2 years.
Of course, it's hard to write a book when you are busy trying to find a job.
Jerry, I understand "being busy trying to find a job," but I'm reminded by this quote. It seems relevant to this discussion. "We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -- Joseph Campbell
I read "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" about 40 years ago. Can't remember a thing about the book except that it became part of the overarching rationale for my disbelief in religion.
An interesting but irrelevant observation is that poets and to a lesser extent prose writers seem to need books like the "Golden Bough" to incubate nascent imagery and symbolism.
Yeats created his own mythology and used self-created mysticism to inform his muse. But I digress.
I wish I could remember pithy aphorisms like this one Perry. I think it is timely wisdom.
Gail has the time to write a book if she is sufficiently motivated. I originally persuaded her to start a blog in hopes that it would actually become the core of her book. Something that I think is actually happening.
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