Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sorry Bloggers!

I feel as though I can “relate” in old 60s terms to all the bloggers out there, at least in some strange way . . . some stranger than others. We all have something in common, if not craziness, the need to express ourselves and put it out there in the universe. It floats around to be read or never read. People may comment and, good or bad, you’ve made a connection with usually a complete stranger who has read your words and knows that you are out there—friend or foe. My apologies to those I haven’t found to read or to those whom I read regularly. Why? Because I want to do my miniscule part to connect others to their thoughts and continue the strang-o, blog-o earth communication. I am trying! However, I am technically impaired. I have clicked onto every bit of info about adding links that I can find, and as El Moe, a fellow blogger did, joined up with the Google blogger thingy, so far to my great chagrin. I don’t know what it is but I do know one thing, I can’t figure out how to attach links to my blog and it’s making me crazy!! It’s another one of those Chinese water torture things that are the final drop when people make obvious statements like, “Be thankful that you are alive.” I am thankful...most of the time. The other part of the time, I want to wear a medical necklace that says I have slapping Tourette’s. Even if I only got away with it once, it would be so great.


At 4:22 PM , Blogger jerry.pounds said...

Next week, I will get you on the phone and walk you through it. Trust me, if I can do it anyone can.


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