Friday, August 11, 2006

Not Working on the Railroad

Our humorless society:
One administrative assistant, using a list of questions that she had obviously copied from the Internet, asked me during an interview what type of animal I would choose to be. Well, a variety of thoughts rushed through my head, being in the third hour of interviewing time. Oh the opportunities, but I yielded to political correctness. My first thought was a wolf, but then there is the lone-wolf stigma. So, I answered that I would be a dog. “Dogs generally like people and work well with others,” I said. “And I also drink out of a bowl whenever possible.” She didn’t smile.

(I didn’t get the job.)


There they were, groups of teenagers standing on the road holding signs that said “Carwash for Jesus!” Now he’s into the carwash business. I’ve gotta say, “What an entrepreneur!”


An ad on osteoporosis warns of the dowager’s hump. The warning states that if you can’t stand or sit for more than 30 minutes at a time, you might not want to take the medication.

If you can’t stand or sit for half an hour at a time, don’t you have bigger problems than a dowager’s hump?


I go to get my hair cut using money from a freelance job. The airhead in the chair across from me says, “Well, I just never watch the news. I don’t have the time what with building our new house and decorating my lake home. Plus, it’s all so depressing.”

Shut up, shut up. Or I’m coming over there!!


Bitter? BITTER? You’re damn right I’m bitter.



At 8:46 AM , Blogger Jerry said...

You seem to be experiencing a problem acquiring gainful employment. Have you considered crime?

I sense the proper level of anti-social rage and hostility necessary to...say, stickup a bank or carjack and old lady.

Well, its worth considering. You wouldn't have to mess with updating your resume again or listen to some numbnutted HR consultant give you condescending advice about how to make yourself employable--something we know may be impossible. I mean--your attitude. Really!

At 3:24 PM , Blogger Gail said...

What was your address again? And isn't it in a rather remote location? You have a small dog if I remember correctly?


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