Monday, August 27, 2007

Other Planet Gender Communications

I know I will never fully understand the workings of men’s minds. They seem to be able to engage and disengage in the strangest ways. My two, husband and son, always confuse me with their segues. For example, David was returning to his college apartment today after spending the weekend here. We saw him for brief, enjoyable moments but his calendar was full as should be expected. Jack and I kept trying to carve out a few moments to discuss the serious stuff—i.e. his roommate for a two-bedroom apartment disappeared into thin air (another story for later, but now I just don’t have the energy.)

Just before David’s girlfriend arrives for their trip back to Athens, we talk about his efforts to find a new roommate. He's doing just about all that he can. Then Jack starts to escalate emotionally, stating the obvious by proclaiming, “We just can’t pay for this apartment! You have to get a roommate!”

I decide to absent myself because I don’t want this to become a family conflagration. I let the dogs out into the backyard, and re-enter about five minutes later. “And you know,” Jack is saying as David nods. “Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backward and are the strongest birds and fastest birds for their size.”



At 7:40 AM , Blogger Candy Rant said...

Robots. They are all robots. They switch gears too easily.
If I were in a conversation like that, I might comment on hummingbirds, but it'd be right back to the conflict. Guys make a clean break. I envy them. And despise them. :)

At 10:23 AM , Blogger Gail said...

I agree with both of you. The strange thing is that men seem to believe that if you aren't talking about a problem or a controversy, then it no longer exists!

At 10:14 AM , Blogger Jerry said...

Everything worked out fine for men back when all they had to do was kill something for dinner. When requirements for functioning got more complex than that, they were in over their heads.

Obsessive men are tightly wound, and they have to blurt out the obvious to expel the tension demons that dwell within. Once they have attacked the firmament with a hot blast of air, they feel much better.

Jack was not problem solving, he was blowing off. If you attend to what men say (not that anyone, including themselves, is motivated to do) you would see how right Candy is. They speak in cliches, adages, and homilies. It allows maximum emotional explosion without thinking, examining or reasoning. A very nice tool.

At 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Methinks your No.1 son doth have a huge talent for changing an unfortunate subject with maximum speed.


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