Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, DRIP!!

It’s the little things that push people over the edge, like when someone shoots another person for making a repetitive sound just one time too many. I once worked with a woman whose husband constantly sucked his teeth. We had to be around them at company gatherings and after a point, I didn’t want to be in the same room with the man for fear of exploding in a violent rage. Glasses could be clinking, music playing, people talking, but all I could hear was the suck, suck, sucking like the tale-tell heart. I eventually changed jobs, not for that reason, but in doing so I may have saved a man’s life.
When I’m home alone with the dogs, which is a lot—and anyone reading this should know that they are very, very vicious, cruel, violent creatures who would rather kill you than look at you—these little things in my surroundings start to drive me nuts, or should I say, nuttier. This doesn’t make me a very good companion for myself. For example, television commercials drive me crazy, and yet I continue to watch and listen to them. It must run in the family because my sister got so annoyed with a fellow employee for pronouncing the Toot in Tootsie roll (which she had in a bowl on her desk) like the toot that a train makes that she had to call him on it. The discussion got so involved that they wrote the company for the correct pronunciation. She was right. So for your information, it’s the short toot, not the long toot.
Anyway, one late, late night I was sitting here watching reruns of the “Price is Right” which is sad enough but what really made it sad was that I was watching it ONLINE! So I turned on the television to see a commercial with this beautiful young actress, can’t remember her name. She sidles across the screen and says, “Do you know what you really, really want? Well, I know what I want! A makeup that blends with my skin.”
Wow, what a deep thinker. Plus, life must be really, really easy for her. Not only was she really, really beautiful, but according to the commercial, she had already found the makeup that blended with her skin! Some people are just blessed.
Next comes a commercial for yet another new drug. Lately the side effects listing for these things have become so long that one would think people would rather just have the disease or malady that the drug supposedly treats. These are horrible side effects like anal leakage and possible aneurysm or death, but said in a chirpy voice they don’t sound that bad. Anyway, this particular new remedy, for whatever, was called Acifex. Yes, that’s right. People who probably make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, who set up think tanks, take surveys, and then run their name choices past executives who make even more money—they all agreed on naming a medicine Ass Effects. When Jack is here, I yell out things, like, “They PAY people for this?” But he doesn’t seem to care. Why, why, how can people not care?!
Now for those of you who want to remind me of famine, plague, sorrow, and war, all the serious stuff that’s going on in this world, have no fear. Those things bother me a lot and I’m not just saying that either. But remember . . . it’s the little things that drive you crazy.
When I’m home alone with the dogs, which is a lot—and anyone reading this should know that they are very, very vicious, cruel, violent creatures who would rather kill you than look at you—these little things in my surroundings start to drive me nuts, or should I say, nuttier. This doesn’t make me a very good companion for myself. For example, television commercials drive me crazy, and yet I continue to watch and listen to them. It must run in the family because my sister got so annoyed with a fellow employee for pronouncing the Toot in Tootsie roll (which she had in a bowl on her desk) like the toot that a train makes that she had to call him on it. The discussion got so involved that they wrote the company for the correct pronunciation. She was right. So for your information, it’s the short toot, not the long toot.
Anyway, one late, late night I was sitting here watching reruns of the “Price is Right” which is sad enough but what really made it sad was that I was watching it ONLINE! So I turned on the television to see a commercial with this beautiful young actress, can’t remember her name. She sidles across the screen and says, “Do you know what you really, really want? Well, I know what I want! A makeup that blends with my skin.”
Wow, what a deep thinker. Plus, life must be really, really easy for her. Not only was she really, really beautiful, but according to the commercial, she had already found the makeup that blended with her skin! Some people are just blessed.
Next comes a commercial for yet another new drug. Lately the side effects listing for these things have become so long that one would think people would rather just have the disease or malady that the drug supposedly treats. These are horrible side effects like anal leakage and possible aneurysm or death, but said in a chirpy voice they don’t sound that bad. Anyway, this particular new remedy, for whatever, was called Acifex. Yes, that’s right. People who probably make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, who set up think tanks, take surveys, and then run their name choices past executives who make even more money—they all agreed on naming a medicine Ass Effects. When Jack is here, I yell out things, like, “They PAY people for this?” But he doesn’t seem to care. Why, why, how can people not care?!
Now for those of you who want to remind me of famine, plague, sorrow, and war, all the serious stuff that’s going on in this world, have no fear. Those things bother me a lot and I’m not just saying that either. But remember . . . it’s the little things that drive you crazy.
You hit the button with this one. The fact that terrorists may level the US does not drive me as crazy as the little things idiosyncratic habits of others that insinuate themselves into your sight and hearing.
Your blog reminds me of the scene in the movie, "The Witches of Eastwick," when the husband who has been listening to his wife drone on and on for weeks about the evil that Jack Nicholson's character is performing, finally say, "Lets call it a day," and kills his wife.
Thankfully, Beth does not have any of the habits that drive you nuts. I have been in the company of people who whistle unconsciously--out of tune. Or, how about the folks that hum constantly?
My mother-in-law is a dear, sweet woman, but when she visits she walks silently around the house. You can't hear her but she will show up behind my desk and ask a question and my heart stops it scares me so bad. I feel like saying "Jesus, don't sneak up on me like that," but it would hurt her feelings so I don't.
I sat in a movie one time and the guy behind me sucked his teeth constantly. It was one of the most infuriating things you can imagine. Of course I moved, but if I was in a cabin in Alaska with him in the winter I would either have to kill him or kill myself.
Thank you Jerry! Validation is a wonderful feeling.:)
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